It was June 1st, and approaching the end of Hilary’s 10th grade school year. She was happy it was summer, and wanted to go home, relax and swim. Hilary walked outside of West Oak High school, and went to the curb were she waited for her father diurnally. 20 minutes later she was still waiting, but decided he was just running late. Her father’s name was Robert Latner, and he worked at Hampton Hospital. He was a benevolent man who achieved notoriety in the hospital for neurosurgeon and performed many surgeries with prowess. Hilary started to walk home, as she appreciated the warm zephyr and relaxing weather. She turned around the block, almost at her house. The next thing she saw would change the rest of her life.
Billowing piles of smoke rose to the sky. Her backpack crashed to the ground, and the sound of her feet running echoed against the cracked pavement. Her biggest fear was now facing her, losing everything she had. By the time Hilary reached her blazing home, tears had been streaked against her face, and her now feeble house was crumbling. Firemen and police cars swarmed the house, and there was also an ambulance. An ambulance. She remembered her father, and how he was late to pick her up. Was he ok? Is he trapped inside? Hilary ran to the police officer nearest to her.
“My name is Hilary Latner, and where is my father?” she screamed while crying.
“He escaped from the fire, and is at the hospital now. He has some burns on his arms, but nothing bad.” said the gaunt police officer.
A wave of relief came over Hilary, but she was still terrified for her home. Where would she stay, and how did this happen?
“I can bring you to the hospital now to be with your dad if you’d like. It’s not safe to be here, especially with all the smoke.” The police officer said breaking her thoughts.
“But what about my house!” Hilary said panicked.
“There is nothing you can do now Hilary, just come with me.” He said in a grave voice.
For Hilary the ride seemed like an eternity. She knew that her life would never be the same. The thing that she was wondering the most about was how the fire started. She knew it wasn’t the stove or oven, because her father didn’t like to cook, and he wouldn’t in the middle of the day. He mostly ate quick meals when he could because he was always working different hours, and called in at different times. So how did it start? She looked up through the small window of the police car. The California sun was so bright, and Hilary wished that it could just be a normal day. They arrived at the hospital that she had seen so many times to visit her father, and realized how terrible today had been.
She walked through the bright hallways, which had paintings and colorings spread everywhere. She walked into the room, not knowing what to expect. Her father was sitting on the bed, his face pallor. The nurse was finishing putting bandages around the bottom of his arms near his hands, where he got skin grafts, and covering contusions. His head peered up, and his face had a mixed expression. She quickly walked to him and sat down on the side of the bed.
“What happened?” Hilary asked trying to contain her curiosity.
“I’m trying to figure that out too Hilary. I was sitting in the den, and the fire just exploded and spread everywhere.” He pause and continued. “I have been thinking about how it started since I ran out of the house, and nothing me or you did started it.”
“What do you mean?” Hilary asked with a angry tone.
“ I think someone set the fire from the outside to try and hurt me. I am just glad they didn’t hurt you.”
They were both silent while sitting on the hospital bed. Hilary’s father than arose and spoke.
“ I have to sign a few papers, but then we can leave.”
“ Where will we go?” Hilary said unsure.
“Anywhere but here.” He said as he walked to the front desk.
Hilary was sitting in the cold hotel bed. She had nothing, and it seemed like a terrible nightmare that she couldn’t wake up from. She would always abhor the person who did this to her. Hilary’s father walked out from the square bathroom that smelled of clean towels and soap.
“I think I know who might have did this.” Hilary’s father said slowly. “ The police called and have a possible suspect now.”
“Who?” Hilary chirped
“ 5 years ago when I was working I had a patient who we thought had brain cancer. She turned out not having it, and I misdiagnosed her. She died, and it is irrevocable, but it was an accident and accidents happen in medicine.”
“Oh.” Said Hilary unsure of what to say.
“The suspect was her husband. He was depressed that he lost his wife, which I understand, but then it turned to anger towards me. I have gotten numerous letters from him over the years. I am afraid they burned down in the fire so if it was him, which I am leery it was, then that evidence is gone.”
Four months later Paul Breanen, the main suspect, was convicted. After the police found the gasoline which was disseminated to start the fire, and a perfect math of his shoe print he was arrested and later admitted to the crime. As for Hilary and her father their new home was constructed, and finished 14 months later. There lives changed forever, but they both learned to forget the past, and look towards the future.